Facelift surgery has to be one of the more dedicated procedures you could go through to help improve your appearance. Your face and neck are more prone to developing wrinkles and showing signs of aging, which is problematic for obvious reasons. Whether you’re interested in non surgical methods or couldn’t care less about going under the knife, this article is going to shed some more light on what to do when you want a facelift in Calgary AB.

There are many different ways to approach your facelift needs, as personal preference is going to play a major part in which procedure you decide to go with. Some people want the quickest fix possible, while others are concerned with recovery time – regardless of what you end up doing, that double chin and loose skin can be taken care of with ease.
Face and Neck: The Undefeated Signs of Aging
One of the most obvious signs of aging has to be the changes in your appearance, most of which are going to impact you negatively. Some people are okay with looking more mature, but when it comes to excess skin and fat deposits, the only thing you’re worried about is how quickly you can get rid of it all. Getting face lift surgery can help you remove excess skin and help restore neck muscles, but only if you know where to look.
Signs of Aging in Your Face
The most common sign of aging would be new wrinkles developing on your face, and that’s likely due to a loss of collagen in your skin. As we get older, our skin loses its elasticity and there are even times where some facial muscles will cease firing. Both collagen and elastin are critical components when it comes to maintaining healthy and youthful skin, as they allow the skin to “snap” back into place. Genetics will certainly play a role in how your skin reacts to the aging process, but your choice of lifestyle and eating habits is going to contribute as well.
As you grow older and your levels of collagen begin to deplete, wrinkles start to form and sagging skin begins to take over. Thankfully, you can use facelift surgery to treat your wrinkles the same way you would approach a tummy tuck!
Your facial volume and overall contour are going to be negatively impacted as well. The shape of our faces will change over the years, and that’s likely due to a reduction in fatty tissues and migration of healthy fats in your face. Your cheeks will become more hollow and appear “bony” due to a lack of contour, and you could even develop “jowls” from your jaw muscles (and skin) progressing through the natural state of aging.
Signs of Aging in Your Neck
Vertical muscle bands are the most obvious thing to look at when it comes to an aging neck. These are the two vertical bands that you can feel attaching your neck to the jaw, and when you get older, these tend to become softer and looser. Sagging skin and additional fatty deposits will also play a part in your aging neck!
Hormonal changes in your body as it ages can result in additional fatty deposits in the neck, although there are times where young people develop them due to other medical complications. Brown spots are another thing to take note of, as most seniors will develop brown spots on their neck and face due to sun exposure.
What Exactly is Facelift Surgery?
To put things in layman’s terms, facelift surgery is the act of elevating the skin on your face for a more youthful appearance. This can consist of many different things, whether it’s to reduce skin sagging or remove skin folds (and other facials changes) that typically occur with age. It’s the most common form of skin rejuvenation for seniors, and it’s perfect when paired alongside hair loss treatments. You’ll look 20 years younger in no time at all!
The facelift surgery itself has the plastic surgeon taking two flaps on each side of your face, and pulling them back to reduce sag. They alter the tissues present below your skins’ surface to adjust the shape and contours, before closing the flap and suturing it closed. Any excess skin leftover from this process is removed and disposed of. It sounds simple enough, but remember that there are a few different types of facelift surgery to consider.
Going through with a facelift isn’t going to remove fine wrinkles or creases in your skin, it’s only for the shape/contour of the face itself. Sun exposure or damage cannot be treated this way, but there are plenty of other cosmetic surgeries you could use to handle that.
The Different Ways to Get a Facelift in Calgary

The most basic way to explain a facelift is that it includes elevating your skin and tightening any additional tissues that may be loose underneath. The plastic surgeon may need to sculpt the fat in your face and neck, which includes both the removal and redistribution of it; any excess skin is removed and the surgery site is stitched closed.
There are different variations of incision and procedures to consider when you’re interested in getting facelift surgery in Calgary, and some of the most common ones would be:
Traditional Facelift Surgery
The traditional method is one that starts at your temples, near the hairline. It will continue down towards the front of your ears, looping around and ending behind your ears (close to the lower scalp). Your plastic surgeon may make an incision underneath your chin to help improve the look of your neck as well. This is usually where you’ll find a facelift with threads being used.
Limited Incision Facelift Surgery
This is a much smaller incision that is done at your hairline, just above the ears. It wraps around the front of your ear, but does not go all the way behind and will not extend into your lower scalp.
Neck Lift Incision Facelift Surgery
This incision will start at the front of your earlobe, and then continue around your ear until it reaches the lower scalp – a small incision will also be made under your chin.
Can I Get a Facelift in Calgary AB Without Surgery?

If you live in Calgary and are interested in getting a facelift without surgery, there are plenty of products to consider. Whether you just don’t like the invasive feel that comes with cosmetic surgery, or you’re just looking to test the ways, going the facelift non surgical route might be your best option for right now. Some people prefer to use these methods for areas like their lower eyelids or even areas prone to bruising.
You may even find a few places that are offering to do a facelift with botox, which is ideal for anybody who doesn’t want to go through the entire surgical face lift process. Their job is to make you look better, but it’s also to keep you comfortable while doing so.
Facelift with Tape

The first obvious one would have to be a facelift with tape, as all you’ve got to do is purchase some “beauty tape” and apply it to your face in various ways. Going for a facelift with tape is not only a cost-effective way to handle things, but it also means the facelift isn’t going to be permanent.
Facelift with Cream
Plenty of beauty products claim to offer users a facelift with cream, but how many of them are truly going to work? Some of them are also cost-effective like the tape, but there is also some facelift with cream products that can cost hundreds of dollars. It also isn’t going to be permanent, so if you were interested in a long-term solution, using Vitalbar to find a reliable plastic surgeon is a must!
Facelift with Laser

Although lasers are often associated with hair removal treatments and hair loss, getting a facelift with laser in Calgary is as non-invasive as it gets. There’s no need to spend an abundance of time recovering or even feeling anxious before the surgery itself. This is a completely customizable facelifting program that can help you achieve a youthful appearance without going under the knife, and you can find the perfect place to get it done using VitalBar.
The Difference Between a Facelift and a Neck Lift
Neck lifts are a different procedure, although you can still find the perfect plastic surgeon to handle your neck lift needs using VitalBar. Going through with a neck lift (platysmaplasty) is often included alongside a facelift, as it will help reduce the number of fat deposits and sagging present on your neck. When you look at the facelift before and after, you’ll think it’s a totally different person.
You can get either of these procedures done regardless of gender as well. A facelift for men and a facelift for women are one and the same!
What’s the Price: Facelift Calgary Cost
If you’re looking for an approximate price, you’re going to find that it’s quite tough to figure out. The only real way to get a solid quote would be to talk with your plastic surgeon and see what they have to say. They may have gone through school to get that “Dr” in front of their name, but it doesn’t mean they won’t try and milk you for money! The average cost of getting facelift surgery in Calgary hovers between $6,000 to $27,000 – there are a lot of variables thrown into the mix that can adjust the price, so be sure to talk with your plastic surgeon to figure out the right plan!

You could even get a mini facelift, which is less thorough and requires less time than a traditional facelift. It’s often referred to as a “short-scar face lift”, and will offer a more subtle result, but it still works. The average price for a mini facelift is about $10,000 and it’s great for when you want a quick route to get rid of your double chin!
How Long Will it Take to Recover?
The purpose of using VitalBar to find a certified professional for your facelift surgery needs is a must, as it will help cut into your recovery time when everything is said and done. You’re bound to experience some form of discomfort or tenderness after getting a facelift, but there are medications available that can help with that! You may have severe bruising or swelling for the first two days after your procedure, but after a week or so, you’ll be well on your way to recovery.
It takes around 2 to 4 weeks to recover completely, and most patients are back into their normal routine after a month (you can even get back into a rigorous activity like working out). The sutures are removed approximately 5 to 10 days after surgery to allow the site to completely heal, and all of your incisions/bandages should be kept dry at all times. If your doctor has given you special instructions when it comes to washing your surgery site, be sure to follow them!
You’ll experience a bit of numbness and muscle stiffness after the surgery, although that will fade over time. The surgery scars can take about a year to fade away and tone down, although they will never go away entirely.
How Can I Find the Perfect Plastic Surgeon in Calgary?
Finding a provider of facelift services that aren’t going to let you down is hard, and it’s tough to trust one in the first place. This your face we’re talking about here! Doing all of the research and sifting through hundreds of different plastic surgeons is a tough gig, but thankfully, you don’t have to go through that yourself. Leave all of the hard work up to VitalBar and find the right plastic surgeon today!
You don’t have to twiddle your thumbs any longer, and you also don’t need to feel hesitant. We only work with certified plastic surgeons that have been helping their clients for years – if you’re in the Calgary Alberta area and are interested in getting a surgical face lift, VitalBar is the only place you’ve got to look.
It’s simple too! All you have to do is enter your postal code and you’ll see all of the available surgeons in your local area, no questions asked.