What is Gynecomastia?

There are many people around the world who suffer from breast tissue enlargement and there is no harm in admitting if you are suffering too. It’s also known as male breast reduction surgery. Remember, if you are a man who is suffering from such disorder, you aren’t alone. In fact, the statistics state that about 40-60% of men have enlarged breast tissue also referred as Gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is also known as Gyno. As others are also suffering from the disorder, it doesn’t underlay your situation being faced. We all can relate to the embarrassment and the guilt bring felt by the proportion change it has forced. While it is a significantly less common procedure than botox, it is very important as well. You maybe forced to wear lighter and loose fitting clothes and also trying to avoid situations where your bare chest could be potentially exposed because of the vulnerability you witness from your skin.
How does Gynecomastia occur?
As discussed earlier that Gynecomastia is a hormonal disorder because all humans have both male and female hormones to a certain level. Generally, Gynecomastia occurs when the concentration of the male hormone being androgen is lower than the female hormone estrogen in the body. It also transiently occurs in the normal childhood development of the boys either in infant or puberty stage. Mostly, this hormonal imbalance returns to normal levels eventually without undergoing any sort of medication or surgery. In other instances, Gynecomastia can also occur as a medication treatment effect or due to certain medical conditions.
- Malnutrition
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Chronic kidney failure
- Anti androgen treatment
- Disorder of male tested that include trauma, birth infections or disorders
- Hyperthyroidism
- Testicular cancer
Gynecomastia Signs, Symptoms and Diagnosis:

When you realize you have Gynecomastia, you may wonder what to do next. The breast enlargement in Gynecomastia is usually symmetrical in nature especially with the nipple having a rubber or firm feel to it. It can mostly develop on one side by also can develop on both sides. Also, if developed on both the sides, then one side is bound to be larger than the other. It is not characterized with pain but more with having a sensitive and tender feel to it. The Gynecomastia surgery cost shall depend on location: Canada, USA, Europe, and whether it is the accumulation of an excess tissue of adipose or glandular tissue layer or combination of both tissues. If a male is diagnosed to be suffering from Gynecomastia, it advised to consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid any sort of medical complications arising.
The disorder is usually diagnosed by physical examination. Generally, the diameter of breast tissue if exceeds 0.5cm it is said to be a characteristic of the disorder. Alongside, a careful medical examination of the history of the patient is taken into account to verify the cause of the disorder. The doctor usually orders a few tests for the patient to confirm its origin and destination also mammography can be indicated if there is any sight of male breast cancer.
Surgical Procedures:
Gynecomastia surgery in Canada (cities including Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto, etc.) usually takes around just a couple of hours with a simple procedure. The technique applied is completely dependent on the origin of the disorder such as adipose tissue or glandular tissue or just a combination of both of them. If it’s origin is in glandular tissue then the areola and from the bottom and sides of the breast have to cut away with a scalpel. When in adipose tissue, the common liposuction technique is applied and depends on the practitioner how they employ the technique as there are various methods around.
The Power Assisted Liposuction technique was first developed in Canada by Dr. Lista that is used to remove fat in all the appropriate places of the Gynecomastia patient. In this Gynecomastia surgery in Canada, the liposuction tube oscillates at several hundred cycles of frequency per second. This allows the excess fat tissue from the greats more quickly and appropriately without any unnecessary bleeding and injury. So this translates to the patients of male breast reduction have less bruising and can have a speedy recovery from the surgery.
To be performed and not performed on:
- It has to be performed on any person who is physically, mentally and emotionally stable of any age except minors.
- Having a firm and an elastic skin that can match and adjust the new body contours.
- Surgery maybe discouraged for person who is obese or overweight unless they have first attempted to reduce the breast tissue via exercise or any other method.
- The surgery may also be discouraged for person who either smokes marijuana or any other alcoholic products as they are not considered to be a good candidate for male breast reduction treatment.
- Also the candidate maybe advised to quit steroids or any other drugs they consume to check if they breast reduces before considering surgery as an option.
Pre and Post Surgery Care:
Before the Gynecomastia surgery, the doctors will have at least twice consultations regarding the decision. A considerable amount of time is spent upon to discuss the patient history of health and also a thorough physical examination. The doctors also conduct a session to discuss your expectations, goals and desires post surgery and analyze them. Although most of the desired outcomes may get fulfilled, there might be some which can’t be fulfilled and those are clarified prior to the surgery. Before commencement of the surgery, the surgeon will advise you on your eating and drinking and physical habits to keep them under check. Also smokers will be discouraged from smoking both pre and post recovery to facilitate good results. Smoking shall decrease the circulation levels, thereby interfering with the healing process. Hence it is necessary to follow all the instructions provided.
Post Gynecomstia surgery, your chest will he wrapped up to keep the skin in firm place and protect it from any sort of external impacts. It is also a necessary to call for a relative or a friend or family member to look after you for 24 hours post surgery. It is possible to feel a bit of discomfort in the initial days of the recovery which can be solved using the medication given. Hence, if you are currently looking after child care, then it is better to opt for a person who can take that responsibility to lessen the burden of your feet time and facilitate testing to speed up the healing process.
Risk and Complications:
- Although there are minor chances of complications, sometimes you may observe infection, skin diseases or excessive bleeding taking place, excessive fluid loss or failures of response to anesthesia.
- It may also lead to permanent scars around the area or pigmentation being charged in the area, loss sensation or numbness around, swelling, slightly mismatched breasts or nipples.
- If asymmetry is persistent, then a second procedure maybe required to remove the excessive tissue.
Gynecomastia Cost and Insurance:

The average cost of gynecomastia surgery is $3900-4000 USD, based on statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2018. Male breast reduction costs can still vary. In most of the cases, the provincial insurance policy shall be able to cover the Gynecomastia surgery cost with all the procedures that are necessary. If you suffering disorders like Gynecomastia, then you are also eligible for OHIP criteria for coverage in this regard.
Generally, the Gynecomastia surgery cost in Canada can be anywhere between $2500-$7000 depending upon the service and the location of the service you opt for. If you are a candidate who wants to undergo a male breast reduction surgery for cosmetic reasons, then generally both the provincial insurance or the health care provider will not provide you with any coverage. Also as the surgery is very reasonable and cost effective and affordable, many of the patients are happy to conduct the surgery and have a better position surgery life. They live with sense of pride and that overpowers any sort of financial expense being paid for the treatment. You can find the basic information about the center’s using the state guide or contacting any reference person for that matter.
As Gynecomastia surgery price is quite low, one also needs to understand that it is important to try natural methods of breast reduction such as exercise and give up on any sort of steroids of smoking around. It can circulate a healthy channel across the body and help in diminishing the extra tissue that has been accumulated. The cost of the surgery also depends upon the type of method undertaken such as laser, power assisted or any other techniques that have been employed. It is advised to have a thorough physical examination to determine the compatibility of the medications bring given as to the ones that are already in consumption, if so. The imposing of strict and rigid diet plan can also help tin recovery and comes in additional cost undertaken for the surgery. One must be careful enough to choose from a wide range of surgeons’ and decide on which is the best suited for the job. Some of the prominent names are Dr.Elisa, Dr.Ahmad and others who have performed numerous surgeries over the years and have also developed new liposuction and laser methods for effective and time efficient surgery that is also cost effective for patients for speedy recovery.
Frequently Asked Questions about Gynecomastia
Will Gynecomastia go away by itself?
Generally, gynecomastia will go away by itself within 1-2 years if it began during puberty. This is because of hormonal imbalances (excessive estrogen levels) during puberty, which can cause enlarged breasts in men. However, many people still have the condition well into their 20s and 30s. Some believe exercise can help reduce it, but usually exercise does not get rid of gynecomastia. Medications also have little effect when compared with placebo medications on the condition. As a result, many people opt for plastic surgery for removal.
If you are considering removal, make sure to do your research and find the best plastic surgeon. Many find they are unsatisfied with the gyno removal as the resulting breast and chest shape can be strange when an inexperienced surgeon performs on them. It is important to find a plastic surgeon in Canada or USA that contours the shape correctly for aesthetic purposes, rather than just removing the lump. If it is not shaped properly after, it will look obvious that you’ve had surgery on your chest. Results can include sagging breasts, as well as other undesirable features. VitalBar can help you find the best plastic surgeon for your purposes.
Where can I find a reputable Plastic Surgeon for Gyno Surgery?
If you’re interested in Gyno surgery, consider using VitalBar for research and bookings. VitalBar is serving major cities in Canada. You can get a free consultation right away, which you can view here: VitalBar Cities – Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto
If you’re in any other country, click here for VitalBar International.
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This article was originally published on October 22, 2018. It was last updated on November 7, 2019.